
Enjoyment of the massage

David Sechi, author of " escort in nanjing ," says that apart from the eyes, no area of the face should be avoided during a massage. Using moderate amounts of cream or moisturizer, use very light strokes with the fingertips rather than the palms. Let the receiver lie on a comfortable surface with eyes closed, or a soft mask over the eyes. Avoid exposing the receiver to direct sunlight or loud sounds. Tension will decrease the effectiveness and enjoyment of the massage.
Before beginning a facial massage, cleanse the face of the receiver thoroughly, removing all dirt, oil and makeup. If possible, it is best to exfoliate the face, removing as many dead skin cells as possible. To avoid pulling, stretching or irritating the skin, the massager will want to use a thin layer of oil, cream or moisturizer when massage hangzhou. Vegetable and nut oil is absorbed by the skin and provides elasticity without clogging pores.
Facial massage consists of gently working all the separate areas of the face. You can start at the forehead and work your way down to the nose, cheeks, chin, jaw, neck and ears. To massage these areas safely, exert minimal pressure. The slightest touch will be felt on the face. Massage in a circular, upward motion. Do not change direction, but rather massage in the same pattern throughout the massage. The massage should last no longer than 20 minutes, as a longer qingdao massage  could stretch facial muscles.

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