
What is Swedish Massage?

What is Swedish Massage?

shanghai massage is the therapeutic massage standard for much of the Western world. Developed in the 1800s by Pehr Henrik Ling, it incorporates a variety of specific massage techniques to treat sore muscles, tension, stress, and poor circulation. Most Western massage modalities have their origins in in this form, and the majority of massage therapists in the West are trained in it before they learn any other massage techniques. Swedish massage is so ubiquitous that in Europe that it is known as classic massage.
Ling initially called his hangzhou massage technique Medical Gymnastics and intended it to supplement traditional medical care. Another physician, Johann Mezger, gave the techniques used in it French names and popularized the style. Today, it is offered at spas and massage studios all over the world, and many other massage styles are rooted in this form.
Swedish massage uses five basic movements to increase circulation and remove toxins from the muscles. Always working towards the heart, the massage therapist incorporates these techniques into a flowing suzhou massage session that leaves the patient physically and emotionally relaxed. The trademark move is Effleurage, long gliding strokes that can be firm or soft, depending on purpose and client. Many therapists start out a session with Effleurage to familiarize themselves with the patient, and then start to bring more pressure to bear for deeper work.

